Dip Coating, LB and LS methods have been shown to be excellentmethods for controlled preparation of thin films graphene and graphene oxide. The methods offer great amount of control for depositing dispersed SG and SGO produced by the liquid exfolia-tion methods. As the liquid exfoliation methods are recognized as some of the most potential methods for producing graphene in industrial scale, these deposition methods are of great impor-tance in graphene research.We introduced more thoroughly two powerful optical methods for characterizing graphene films before and after deposition, PM-IRRAS and SPR. With the KSV PMI 550 it was possible to record detailed IR spectra of floating and deposited layers to determine the chemical composition. The SPR Navi 200 was capable of characterizing the thicknesses and the complex refractive indices of the deposited layers. It was possible to distinguish single sheet and aggregated graphene from each other.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Surface Plasmon Resonance SPR BioNavis 200
Dip Coating, LB and LS methods have been shown to be excellentmethods for controlled preparation of thin films graphene and graphene oxide. The methods offer great amount of control for depositing dispersed SG and SGO produced by the liquid exfolia-tion methods. As the liquid exfoliation methods are recognized as some of the most potential methods for producing graphene in industrial scale, these deposition methods are of great impor-tance in graphene research.We introduced more thoroughly two powerful optical methods for characterizing graphene films before and after deposition, PM-IRRAS and SPR. With the KSV PMI 550 it was possible to record detailed IR spectra of floating and deposited layers to determine the chemical composition. The SPR Navi 200 was capable of characterizing the thicknesses and the complex refractive indices of the deposited layers. It was possible to distinguish single sheet and aggregated graphene from each other.
Potentiostat ACM

The potentiostatic test is usually performed to determine resistance to pit initiation at a given potential and to simulate galvanic situations using any of Gill AC 8 12 Field Machine and manual potentiostat set to a stable potential whilst recording the current. In the study of pitting the cyclic sweep method can have problems related to sweep rate and too much pitting propagation before sweep reversal. The use of individual samples held at potentials around the suspected pitting potential will allow the correct determination of the pitting potential. For example the graph below shows current versus time for samples polarised at different potentials.
Corrosion Testing and Study
Cortest was formed in 1977, and since then, Cortest has grown to include a family of related companies providing corrosion testing equipment, corrosion testing services, technical consulting, field service, and training courses.
Cortest Incorporated specializes in a systems approach to meet all of your corrosion testing needs. We manufacture a comprehensive line of corrosion testing apparatus and support equipment that combine to form complete testing capabilities for both static and dynamic test conditions. It is this ability to ensure equipment compatibility and proven system performance which makes Cortest a unique single source of supply for your test equipment needs.
For the past 25 years, Cortest has manufactured laboratory corrosion testing equipment, as listed below. Please select your areas of interest for additional information.
Proof Rings and accessories, for testing of stress corrosion cracking in accordance with NACE Test Standard TM-01-77-90. The Cortest Proof Rings provide an economical but effective way to accurately determine the Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) susceptibility of metals in different environments.
Autoclaves for high temperature and high pressure tests at 5,000 psi (350 bars) and 600°F (315°C) (up to 20,000 psi (1400 bars) and 1100°F (600°C) for specific systems).
Slow Strain Rate Test (SSRT) systems with the CERT machines for Constant Extension Rate Tests from 10-5 to 10-8 in/sec, including a variety of environmental chambers and controls, and featuring the new CVI (Computer Virtual Instrument).
Corrosion Fatigue Test system extending the capabilities of the CERT machine and simulating a wide range of loading cycles.
Recirculating Test Loop to refresh autoclave systems.
Multiphase Test Loop for studying behavior of materials under multiphase flow conditions.
Training Courses on corrosion, metallurgy, and multiphase flow.
Instrumentation/Sensor Design. Customized instrumentation and sensors for corrosion load, steam, pH, O2, H2 and other measurements.
Corrosion Measurement in laboratory equipment.
Custom Equipment for specialized applications. Aside the large range of laboratory equipment available, Cortest has a long experience in customized laboratory equipment. The combination of electrochemical and mechanical testing has been meeting the individual needs of corrosion engineers for all kind of corrosion testing requirements.