Thursday, January 12, 2023

Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Kulim Kht Bionavis Kinetics Titration


Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is a popular real-time label-free method to assess biomolecular interactions especially in the fields of drug discovery and biosensor development. Multi-Parametric Surface Plasmon Resonance (MP-SPR) scans a broad angular range and records whole SPR curve. Hence from the same measurement, MP-SPR provides more information about changes at the surface than traditional SPR. Additionally, MP-SPR records also bulk (solvent) effect simultaneously with the binding signal in every channel. Thanks to the PureKinetics™ feature, bulk effect can be separated from molecular binding events in real-time, providing more reliable results and enabling measurements, which are not possible using traditional SPR instruments. PureKinetics™ enables measurement of kinetics in altering dissociation buffers (Application Note #147) To quantify affinity and kinetic parameters of the biomolecular interaction, binding at not less than two concentrations of the analyte needs to be measured. Concentrations need to be in the range close to the dissociation constant (KD), and usually a few more concentrations are required, as affinity is typically unknown. Conventionally, the dissociation rate is measured after each analyte concentration. Additionally, if dissociation is slow, the remaining part of the bound analyte is removed using a run of regeneration solution between the sample injections. Ideal regeneration breaks the bonds between the ligand and the analyte without deactivating the molecules on the surface. However, such regeneration is sometimes difficult to achieve and also the ligand is damaged. The KineticTitration option allows the injection of samples sequentially and the dissociation is measured only at the end of the whole run. This shortens the time required for the whole measurement cycle (Figure 1). KineticTitration is especially useful when: • results are needed quickly • there is less time available for assay optimization (such as for finding a suitable regeneration solution) • surface is difficult or impossible to regenerate without losing the activity of the ligan

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Weld Tester Kulim-KHT ACM Gill

 ZRAs a weld tester is the ideal instrument when testing segmented or mixed metal systems. A full range of AC and DC techniques are included for simultaneous testing of all 1to16  ZRA. Each ZRA has the same frequency response, count resistor ranges and power as a standard Gill AC ZRA.