Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Ring Du Noüy ring Measurement Kulim Kht


Optional platinum/iridium ring is supplied in a protective transport case. The ring should be cleaned regularly after use and treated carefully to avoid deformation. Dimensions: R (ring) = 9.58 mm, r (wire)= 0.185mm. A good way to store the ring is to immerse it in ethanol by first hanging it on a hook attached to a lid, which is then attached to a beaker filled half-full with ethanol. Then before using the ring again flush it with pure ethanol and water, or burn it with a Bunsen burner (ca. 1000 oC flame) for a short time (glowing yellow-red for a few seconds). In this way the ring will keep its form better and will not deform as easily as by putting it back to the wooden box after each measurement. The ring that is used must have R/r ratios of around 52 or 26. This is because when the Du Noüy ring is used, a correction factor has to be applied. The software includes correction factor for rings with R/r of 52 or 26. You can read more about the correction in the Theory section of this manual. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Contact Angle Tilting stage Kulim Kht

 Manual tilting stage Manual tilting stage enables the study of dynamic contact angle i.e. advancing and receding contact angles. Manual tilting stage is attached to  similarly as standard sample stage.

Solar Contact Angle Measurement Kulim Kht

 Solar cell research and development is an active field and the efficiency of the solar cells is constantly increasing. Contact angle measurements can be utilized in many stages of solar cell research and solar panel manufacturing as well as in quality control of solar cells. Anti-reflective coatings are used in all solar panels to improve efficiency and lifetime of the solar cells. Study of the surface properties of these coatings is commonly done by using contact angle measurements. Ready solar panels are often too large to be fitted into a laboratory contact angle instrument.  is a great tool for quality control and testing of solar panels due to its portability and unlimited sample size.